Monday, October 13, 2008

ProVision - Seek Ye First

The word "Provision" spelt a new meaning to me today as I was reading through Genesis 12.
Many a times it is thought as a safety net, material security.
But the word was opened to me of its purpose. Provision is pro vision. So it is a derived word, with meaning derived from another word.

The question for me is for all the provisions I have, ask and demand, do I have a vision? Is there a vision before the provision? Is there is a purpose and meaning for the provision?

I guess I could say there is but the issue for me is that the process is reversed.
Rather than vision first, then provision. We seek provision as an end to its own, not a mean to an end or we use the provision is for a vision that is not. Soon provision shrivels for its lack of vision - its purpose and meaning.

Soon we get scare, confused, insecure, wondering what has happened, running to God for help, demanding the provision, claiming the vision.

I always wonder by some people's show of courage despite the seeming "little" provision they have. I guess that is because I have understood the purpose and meaning of provision.

I assume I am a typical Christian of my generation - we make demands for provision as our rights in God's name. God's obligation to us because he loves us. But didn't we also say God is no man's debtor.

Chasing around the provision and exhausted for the lack of vision.

I will have to ask myself do I have a vision for my life, my money, my job?
And where does the vision come from? As from where the vision come, so will the provision.

Matthew 6
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

1 comment:

Julie Teo said...

Waited for you to blog this thought, I totally agree. Amen! If the vision is from God, He will provide and by Seeking Him and His Kingdom first, the provision will always be there. The disciples then in Jesus's Days bring nothing with them as the preach and spread the gospels. None died in hunger or cold.