Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Arthur Ganson at TED


I have enclosed part of the transcript of Arthur Ganson's presentation at TED.
Cos’ I really like this man’s way of living and expressing life.
I have underlined the portion that is meaningful to me.
As I was doing it, his introduction and his conclusion caught me. U must really READ him, then u will discovered he is speaking very subtly (and it can seem ambiguous) but actually very simply and clearly:


A few words about how I got started, and it has a lot to do with happiness, actually. When I was a very young child, I was extremely introverted and very much to myself. And kind of as a way of surviving, I would go into my own very personal space, and I would make things. I would make things for people as a way of, you know giving -- showing them my love. I would go into these private places, and I would put my ideas and my passions into objects, and sort of learning how to speak with my hands.

… … … …

And that leads me to the thought that all of these pieces start off in my own mind, in my heart, and I do my best at finding ways to express them with materials, and it always feels really crude. It's always a struggle, but somehow I manage to sort of get this thought out into an object, and then it's there, OK. It means nothing at all. The object itself just means nothing. Once it's perceived, and someone brings it into their own mind, then there's a cycle that has been completed. And to me, that's the most important thing because ever since being a kid, I've wanted to communicate my passion and love, and that means the complete cycle of coming from inside out to the physical, to someone perceiving it. So I'll just let this chair come down.


The Machine that Enjoys Being Trivial by Dragging around in circles
"Now, this kind of machine is as close as I can get to painting. And it's full of many little trivial end points, like there's a little foot here that just drags around in circles and it doesn't really mean anything. It's really just for the sort of joy of its own triviality. "

The Machine that Enjoys Bathing itself in Oil
"The connection I have with engineering is the same as any other engineer, in that I love to solve problems. I love to figure things out, but the end result of what I'm doing is really completely ambiguous.""Now, a completely different thought -- I'm always imagining myself in different situations. I'm imagining myself as a machine. What would I love? I would love to be bathed in oil. ... Read moreSo, this machine does nothing but just bathe itself in oil. "

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