Sunday, January 27, 2008

How about Mary? - The Urgent, Good and the Needful

In the story of Luke 10:38-42.
We ususally make a comparison of Martha and Mary, or Mary over Martha, or just focus on Martha, because many a times we are in the shoes of Martha.

How about Mary?
Jesus has commended Mary for sitting at His feet and listening to what He has said.
We have imagined a position of bliss, sitting at the feet of Jesus and listening to Him, while Martha was busily preparing.

We also think does Mary really deserve the compliments of Jesus. Is it overrated? Is Jesus just in his compliments?

Is it so easy to be the position of Mary?
I think not. Why?

(Of course, we have to believe Mary is not a natural skiver.)

First, we are "doing" being. We also strive to do something. To be able to pull ourselves away from such internal pressures to restrain ourselves from doing something is not so easy.

Imagine further, a troop of guests just arrived at their home. It is not just Jesus, it is Jesus (!!!) and his disciples. If some VIPs arrive at our homes, church or offices, will we be able to do just the "minimal"? Don't we yearn to do something to make sure they feel welcome and taken care of?

So I don't think it is easy for Mary as well.

Also, Martha, Mary's elder sister was expecting (or demading) Mary to help out and has even made a "complain" to Jesus (their VIP guest) about Mary for not helping.

Imagine you are Mary and you know your elder sister Martha is so very busy preparing and calling out to you to help. It could be the needs of the church, the ministry or another brother and sister in Christ screaming at you. How to face such genuine external pressures when the other party may not understand our "inaction"?

I think the internal and external pressures of Mary was great and the wisdom to know how to deal with it is not easy one.

So I believe Jesus is indeed right in saying "... only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."

Friday, January 18, 2008

You cannot and will not get lost in the King's Park

Last June, I went to Perth, Australia. I was there a few days earlier than my brother and his family. I decided to take those days on my own easier and I visited the King's Park on the morning of the 2nd day of arrival, intending to do just the King's Park real slow and easier. It was a very enjoyable day with a guide driving us around and showing me the differnt types of plants in the Park. I explored further on my own with the plenty of time I have on hand, with the Park's map.

When my brother and family came, we visited the Park again. They wanted to drive around in the Park and I wanted to make another stroll. So we agreed to meet an hour later at the other end of the Park.
There were more than one way to reach at the other side of the Park. I took a map, decided on the route I wanted and my way. The beginning was easy as I can use the highway as my navigation and the route was distinctive and easy.

After 20 min, I reached a part where the highway was not visible and those who were walking the same path as me have all gone ahead. Suddenly I seemed to lose my way.
I began to be a bit anxious and tried to read the map but I could not connect the map with my acutal position.
I thought I saw a landmark but turned out otherwise.
Though there were some joggers and cars driving around, I don't know how to ask for help or hitch a ride as I don't know which way they are heading.

I turned left, walked some distance, still cannot make out my direction and I walked back. Turned right, same thing happened, I walked back.

I felt I would not make it to the other side of the Park in time now, though an hour was ample time.

I decided to go back to the Visitor's Centre - the starting point of the Park. Feeling lousy that I did not get to enjoy my stroll and could not make it to the other end.

I told my brother I was tired and decided to go back to the Visitor's Centre.
I did not dare tell him I have lost my way in the King's Park (such a joke).

In retrospect, I wonder how I could allow myself to think that I was lost and decided not make the way ahead... because One Cannot and Will Not Get Lost in the King's Park..

Likewise in life, We Cannot and Will Not Get Lost in the King's Park... because the King will be guiding us...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


The counterfeit market is quite a booming one.

Some of the reasons we give (ourselves) for buying counterfeit:
1) It is the design, not the brand. I like the design.
(Well, isn't it the same thing?)
2) They are pricing it too high and making too much from it, it is not fair. I 'pay' what I think is the reasonable price.
(Well, they never force you to buy. You pay yourself only.)
3) What want to buy counterfeit if I can afford the real thing.
(Well, poverty isn't really the issue here, is it? Will you die not having it?)

Of course you have more yourself, don't you?

We want the "real" thing but we don't want to pay the price.
We want to be seen having the "real" thing but not pay the price.

The counterfeit mentality has moved into the church as well....
The price of Christianity is so high, the cost of following Christ is so high.. but we want 'Christ'.
So how? Counterfeit christianity market booms...

Let's re-argue

We want the "real" thing, we pay the price we deem fair for it, and we own a counterfeit,... hoping it will pass as the real thing to those around and (amazingly) hoping it will pass as the real thing to ourselves.

There is something illogical here.


Part II

Of course there are the more "self-professed honest and bold" ones who would say, "Well, I am buying a fake because I want to buy a fake. I have the money, but I don't want to buy the real thing, I want to buy the fake."

How should then to respond to such 'righteous' declaration? Or it is better left not to respond.
Well, I have yet learnt how to respond to this.

The supplier is always willing and able to meet our price, question is do we want to meet his price.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Our Work, Our Yoke

Today towards the end of the sermon (2008.01.13), the pastor mentioned about the Tiredness in the congregation, especially on work.

Our incorrect understanding of work has resulted in Work being a Yoke upon us.

We work
- to attain Freedom from our financial worries, Freedom from being made redundant, Freedom from needing to work (!)
- to earn our Righteousness with our loved ones, our peers, society as a whole and ourselves(!)

And our Work .. our deemed path to freedom, our deemed path to righteousness, has become Our Yoke of Slavery.

Matthew 11: 28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Year 2008 - In Tandem with God

9 What does the worker gain from his toil? 10 I have seen the burden God has laid on men. 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. 12 I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. 13 That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil—this is the gift of God.

My prayer and hope is I will surrender a bit more to God in 2008.

I pray to spend more and regular time with God - a time that is not driven by my own agenda or driven by any seemingly God's agenda.

but a time to spend enjoying God and all His gifts to me - praise, prayers, reading His words, fasting (even), working, all done in tandem with rythm with God...

What is the beauty God has set in my heart? My prayer is for God to allow me to fathom it more each day...

I know this will require a little more of letting God... but I have to...because I want to happy, I want to eat and drink and be satisafied not only in the stomach, but in spirit...

satisfaction in all his toil —this is the gift of God - my prayer and pursue....

Sunday, January 6, 2008

SILENCE – Our Wordy World

Over the last few decades we have been inundated by a torrent of words. Whenever we go we are surrounded by words: words softly whispered, loudly proclaimed, or angrily screamed; words spoken, recited, or sung; words on records, in books, on walls, or in the sky; words in many sounds, many colours, or many forms, words to be heard, read, seen or glanced at, words which flickers off and on, move slowly, dance, jump, wiggle. Words, words, words! They form the floor, the walls, and the ceiling of our existence.

It has not always been this way, There was a time not too long ago without radios and televisions, stop signs, yield signs, merge signs, bumper stickers, and the ever-present announcements indicating price increase or special sales. There was a time without the advertisements which now cover whole cities with words.

All this is to suggest words, my own included, have lost their creative power. Their limitless multiplication has made us lose confidence in words and caused us to think, more often than not, “They are just words.”

Teachers speak to students for six, twelve, eighteen and sometimes twenty four years. But the students often emerge from the experience with the feeling, “They were just words.” Preachers preach their sermons week after week and year after year. But their parishioners remain the same and often think, “They are just words.” Politicians, businessmen, ayatollahs and popes give speeches and make statements “in season and out of seasons,” but those who listened say: “They are just words… just another distraction.”

The result of this is the main function of the word, which is communication, is no longer realized. The word no longer communicates, no longer fosters communion, no longer create community, and therefore no longer gives life. The word no longer offers trustworthy ground on which people can meet each other and build society.

One day Archbishop Theophilus came to the desert to visit Abba Pambo. But Abba Pambo did not speak to him. When the brethren finally said to Pambo, “Father, say something to the archbishop, so that he may be edified.” He replied: “If he is not edified by my silence, he will not be edified by my speech.”

The Way of the Heart – Connecting with God through Prayer, Wisdom and Silence by Henri M Nouwen

SIMPLICITY – Traveling Light

How much should I carry with me?” is the quintessential question for any journey, especially the journey of life.

Twelve hundred years ago in China a middle-aged man named P’ang Yun loaded everything he owned onto a boat and sank it all in the Ting-t’ing Lake. After that, we are told, “he lived like a single leaf.”

See him there in the early morning, treading water in the middle of the lake, watching the last bubbles rise from the depths. The air crisp and quiet. The lake misty and as still as sky. Then turning, stroking toward the shore.

Traveling light - imagine this meaning: unencumbered journeying, a graceful way of traveling through life like a single leaf. Now imagine another: the light by which we journey, the light that shows the way. Our traveling Light.

What would it mean to live like a single leaf? What would it mean to make one's life a journey of simplicity? a journey unencumbered, uncluttered, without distraction - a journey of focus and intention? a journey of lightness and light?

In 1889, at age 17, my grandfather left family and friends in Sweden and sailed to America. He packed all his worldly goods in a small wooden chest. Today I have that chest near my writing desk. Its wooden slats weave around a rectangular frame; the hinged lid curves upward. The wood itself, now broken in places, has darkened.

Pondering this old chest, I see a young farm boy , fear and adventure in his eyes, setting inside all but the essential as he packs for his journey, summoning from within himself a quiet simplcity. I watch him board a boat in the early morning mist and launch into the deep.

I have not traveled much myself, but I do keep some handsome suitcase in my attic. Also two backpacks and three knacksacks, a duffel bag, a briefcase, several tote bags, a canvas rucksack, an ash-woven pack basket, three sleeping bag, and a tent or two. Looking at my grandfather's wooden chest, I realize it could not possibly hold everything I now require for a summer picnic. And unlike P'ang Yun, I cannot imagine where I would find a boat large enough to row all I own to the middle of some lake. Evidently, I intend to keep my worldly goods very much afloat.

Why? Do the lack the necessary lightness? the neccessary Light?

“We take delight in things; we take delight in being loosed from things. Between the two delights, we must dance our lives”

Taken from Journeys of Simplicity by Philip Harnden.

"What do you want?" "Where are you staying?"

John - 1: 35 The next day John was there again with two of his disciples. 36When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, "Look, the Lamb of God!"
37When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus. 38 Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, "What do you want?" They said, "Rabbi" (which means Teacher), "where are you staying?"
39"Come," he replied, "and you will see."

So they went and saw where he was staying, and spent that day with him. It was about the tenth hour.


Did Jesus ever ask you what do you want?
If Jesus do ask "what do you want?", do you have a reply for it? Or you will be like me, caught off guard and utterless? 1001 wants swim in your mind but when the question comes, when the moment arrives, nothing!!!
Still, there is the promise of "Come and you will see."

Turning around, Jesus sees you following and asks, "What do you want?"
You say, ".... ..."
"Come and you will see." Jesuss invites anyway as he already knew what you want.

So go and spendt the day with him. .... It was about the tenth hour.

Christ has put us like a statue in the niche (Francis De Sales)

If a statue is placed in some niche and could speak and was asked, "Why are you in the niche?"

The statue would say,"Because my master has put me here."

It is said to the statue, "Why don't you move?"

"Because my master wishes me to be immovable."

"Won't you like to have some movement so that you can be closer to him?"

"No, for where I am is where my master has placed me. And from where I am is the chief objective f my life."

"Don't you want anything else?"

"No, I am where my master has put me. And his supreme will is the glory of my being."

====== Francis De Sales (1597) ======

"I have had enough, take my life..."

1 Kings 19
3 Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. When he came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there, 4 while he himself went a day's journey into the desert. He came to a broom tree, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. "I have had enough, LORD," he said. "Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors." 5 Then he lay down under the tree and fell asleep. All at once an angel touched him and said, "Get up and eat." 6 He looked around, and there by his head was a cake of bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water. He ate and drank and then lay down again.
7 The angel of the LORD came back a second time and touched him and said, "Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you." 8 So he got up and ate and drank.

What good advice we see from what happened to Elijah. When it is getting too much and we are running for our lives, we retreat, to.... a retreat.



  1. Leave your "servant" behind.
  2. Talk a very long walk into a "desert".
  3. Find a "shady" tree.
  4. Pray to God to "take your life".
  5. Then fall "asleep".
  6. Wake Up and Eat.
  7. Wake Up and Eat Again.

Strengthened by that food, he traveled forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, the mountain of God. 9 There he went into a cave and spent the night.

PHASE 2: When you feel some energy returning, ...

  1. Walk even more.
  2. Look for THE "mountan" and a "cave".
  3. Sleep again.

... And the word of the LORD came to him: "What are you doing here, Elijah?"

PHASE 3: Wait for God to say "Hello"

==== ==== ==== THE END ==== ==== ====

Fruitful, Fulfilled and Freedom (Sermon 06.01.2008)

Sermon on 06.01.2008

Scripture: Psalm 1, Galatians 5:13-26, John 15:1-17

Fruitfulness & Fulfillment (Ps 1)
= Created & Freedom To Serve (Gal 5)
= Serving in Tandem with the Spirit (John 15)

For 2008, in the journey with God
- What is the ONE purpose I am Called to Serve, and is Free (and not bonded) to Serve?
- What is the Pruning needed in order for me to be Fruitful?