Friday, April 11, 2008

Answered Prayer - Part 2/2

Of course I am not trying to be Joan of Arc - the Gungho prayer warrior.

I am the P.U.S.H (version 2) type.
Just feel we need to be aware.

In prayer, there is our humanness - of a desired outcome.
But also in prayer, there must be the Godness - of Thy will be done.

Answered Prayer - Part 1/2

As believer, we are told when we pray, 3 things can happen.
God could reply "Yes", God could reply "No", or God could reply Wait".

As believer, at times, we also say or hear others say
"God answered my prayer." or "God did not answer my prayer."

But aren't all the 3 replies considered "answers" from God. So didn't God answer prayer in either "Yes", "No", Or "Wait."

So what are we really saying when we say "God answered my prayer." or "God did not answer my prayer."

P.U.S.H. - Pray Until Something Happened
What is the Something?
Or should it be P.U.S.H. - Pray Until Specified Happened.