Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Years back I asked a good friend if she would consider attending church. Her reply then was "Yea, I suppose it is good. Going to church will complete me."
An agreement by a friend to come church is a great news to any new Christian.

Years later, when I recalled this conversation, I heard something else.
In our contemporary living, nearly every minute is about climbing our career ladder, building our finance nest, pathing our children academic track. Then we will throw in one or two expensive, exhausting vacation each year to "reward" ourselves. And that is considered the "good life".

In recent years, I begin to make more "offsite" retreats and also highly recommended to my friends. Especially if you are or want to be a "matured" Christian. After all the prayers, fasting, Sunday services, serving in ministries, leading disciples. Of course we must go on Silent Retreat, a "higher" level of spiritual practice to "religiousize" ourselves. And that is considered the "matured spirituality".

I am not saying a vacation or a retreat is wrong, but we need to be careful they do not become a form of diversion therapy in our busy life(s).

The ultimate reward we can have is our day-to-day life, the supreme crucible of our existence, well lived.
SACREDNESS needs not be found offsite, it is in Practising the Mundane onsite well.

Living in the Present

There is a slogan this day - Live in the Present!
We are encouraged to look within ourselves, the answer is always there waiting for us, RIGHT HERE in the PRESENT MOMENT.

I myself say it many times.
Just a word of caution to myself not to make it into a self-indulgent notion of
If I had to live over, I would travel to more countries,...I would......
Life is uncertain, I will eat what I want now and from now. Heck all the responsibilities, hecks all the bills.

A meaningful life is not merely about "seizing the day" for self-centred gratification.

Objections and Motivations (Sunday Sermon 2009.01.25)

The last point of the sermon on the objections presented by the various persons to young David. Such objections are just as commonplace today. More importantly, it is the hearing beyond the presented reason of objections to the unpresented motives of objections.

1. Eliab (1 Sam 17:28)
- His objection arosed from his jealousy for his brother.
The eldest son of Jesse, David's eldest brother. He was the eldest and David was the youngest, but David was the one chosen by God.

Don't we all do it at times? Because another person seems better or more favoured than us, we object the person when opportunity arises, rather than wishing the person success. Of course we may do it better than Eliab, we will not show anger. We will use good reasons.

"Who is he to snoop around and tries to suggest this and that? Haven't we all been around longer, seen and done more? Let me give him a piece of my mind and my 'advice'. That will set him in place."

2. Saul (1 Sam 17:33)
- His objection arosed because he saw the disparity in David and Goliath. How could he entrust David to fight Goliath. He limited his assessment to what his naked eyes can see, but don't we all do it as well.

"This young boy?! What is he thinking to even make such a request? Haiz, he has put me in such an awkward position. Should I or should I not send him? It seems ridiculous to send him, people may think I am stupid and I will suffer another humilation? But there is no one else to send? Even I would not allow myself to go face Goliath.""

Though in the end he allowed David to fight, did he really believe David could defeat the Goliath? God not only amazed the Philistine with the defeat, I think more the Isralites. "Huh, just like that, one sling?! Goliath did not even make a move." The giant just went off like a vapour but I am not so sure about if questions or fears in Saul and the Isralites' minds still hang around.

3. Goliath (1 Sam 17:42-44)
- His downright objection because David is not a worthy opponent for him. An insult. Even winning does not bring him glory.
Don't we all do it at times?

"What? Work with this person? Who is he? I have not even heard of him before?"
"Why am I allocated to this team, and not the high-powered team? Don't they know this is an important project."

Our objection takes many form.
What is your form of objection and more importantly what is your motivation?

The meaning of life

The meaning of life is as if a king has sent you to a country to carry out one special, specific task. You go to the country and you perform a hundred other tasks, but if you have not performed the task you were sent for, it is as if you have done nothing at all. So man has come into the world for a particular task, and that is his purpose. If he does not perform it, he will have done nothing.

- Jalal al-Din ar-Rumi (13th centuory mystical poet), Table Talk
Read from "It is a meaningful life, it just take practice." by BoLozoff.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Law 4- Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy

1. I am the LORD your God, you shall have no other gods before me.
2. You shall not make for yourself an idol

3. You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God
4. Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy

5. Honor your father and your mother
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
10. You shall not covet.

it is said the first 4 commandments deal with God to man relationship and last six deal with man-to-man (though all are of course in relationship to God).

I do not know if they are arranged in order of importance. But if it is so, then Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy seems quite important, even placed before the last man-to-man Laws.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Blessed Epiphany - Why were you searching for me? (Luke 2:49)

Searching for Jesus (Luke 2:41:51)

Have you ever lost something? How have you gone about finding it?

A few ways:
We start with the ususal suspects.
If not found, we expand our search.
If still not found, we retrack, back to where it was last found.

In the story, the parents of Jesus lost him and they searched for him, to no avail, then they tracked back to Jerusalem, and found him at the temple courts.

But note Jesus' reply to the parents:
49"Why were you searching for me?" he asked. "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?" 50 But they did not understand what he was saying to them.

My interpretation:
"Why were you searching for me, as if I was lost? I am not lost. I know where I am because I know who I am. I am at where I am suppose to be at - I am in my Father's house.

But they did not understand what he was saying to them.
Is there a voice within you asking yourself
"Why were you searching for me, as if I was lost? I am not lost. I know where I am because I know who I am. I am at where I am suppose to be at. And you did not understand what your heart is saying to you."

Do we know who we are, thus where we are supposed to be?
Are you lost? How then are you to search?

51 Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. 52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.

Don't be scare nor impatient. Live the question.
Be patient toward all that is unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the question now. Perhap you will gradually, without noticing it, living among some distant day into the answers.

Blessed Epiphany!
and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

忙 & 息 - my 汉字 for 2008 and 2009

There is a practice around the world to choose a Chinese character that is representative for the year past.
The word chosen in Japan for 2008 is 变 (change), while in Taiwan is 乱 (chaos).

Let me choose one for my blog as well. It is 忙 (Busy)
The Chinese pictography for 忙 (Busy) is made up of two characters: 心 (heart) and 亡 (death). A heart that is dead.
It has been indeed a busy year - we were busily appreciating and later busily depreciating, all within 2008. A year of chaotic changes.

Let me choose the word for 2009. It is .
The Chinese pictography for 息 is made up of two characters: 自 (self) and 心 (heart).
I would like to propose two ways to understand it:

1. Courage

My first 息 has the meaning of Courage. (It is not the way we understand the word but I am playing with its Chinese pictography.)

Courage : cor, “heart”. cor : (anatomy) heart (figuratively) soul, mind ;

Many a time, we have been asked to encourage others.
En = give; Encourage = give courage.

So I must have courage to give courage.
What then is courage?
And where do I find my courage?

I cannot give you courage that I do not have. Or give you someone's else courage.
So to do so, I need to seek my heart to find, so as to give.
This is my first 息; 自(self) and 心(heart).

2. Sabbath

My second 息 has the meaning of Rest.

In the Bible (Luke 10:38-42) in the story of Martha and Mary. We ususally make a comparison of Martha and Mary, or Mary over Martha, or just focus on Martha, because many a times we are in the shoes of Martha.

How about Mary? Jesus commended Mary for sitting at His feet and listening to what He has said. We have imagined a position of bliss, sitting at the feet of Jesus and listening to Him, while Martha was busily preparing.

We also think does Mary really deserve the compliments of Jesus. Is it overrated? Is Jesus just in his compliments?

Is it so easy to be the position of Mary?
I think not.
Imagine having a VIP like Jesus at your home and his troop of disciple. What is the most sensible thing to do? Plus your sister in the kitchen staring at you.

What in Jesus that gave Mary the courage to rest in the joy of his presence?
What in Mary that gave Jesus so much joy to encourage her with the commend?

Likewise, , I need to seek my heart to find, so as to take.
This is my seoncd 息; 自(self) and 心(heart).