Saturday, October 2, 2010


长期被法规约束的我们, 相信这个社会已经建立了一个坚实的制度,潜意识中认定法律之严明到了没有人敢挑战的地步, 于是我们很方便地接受一切, 对所看到的东西不再抱有怀疑。这样的日子当然不坏, 但是“例外”出现的时候, 我们的反应是那么的迟缓, 甚至迟钝。

除了当局外, 我们难道都没有责任?


Useless Things I said At Furneral

"God speaks in silence, how do I translate that?"

Many times, I caught myself saying useless things at funeral.
"How old is she?"
"What did she die of?"
"What stage was she suffering from?
"How....What.... When...."

Interviewing questions that the family members have to answer again and again.

Why do I keep saying them?

I was sick and you visited me

Jesus' approach to illness was the right one. He did not refuse anyone who needed help. His motive was compassion, not publicity. In fact, he often instructed the people he healed not to tell anyone. He did not scold those who came to him for their lifestyle that might have contributed to their disorder. He did not charge anything.

Apparently he realized that social isolation is one of the worst things about being sick, so part of his healing technique was to reintegrate the person back into society. He recognized that disease was not a legitimate part of the natural order, but a larger disorder that affected the individual.

Still he did not speculate about it. He just went ahead and healed. But he did not speculate his healing as isolated "miracles" He saw them rather as preliminary hints of a whole new order of things, one that lies beyond human grasping but can be discerned by those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

Chapter "Why the Crowds Came", in When Jesus Came to Harvard, Making Moral Choices Today by Harvey Cox